Welcome to Base Camp:

Bend Oregon

The intersection of art and nature

A one of a kind co-living experience for the modern creator, artist, musician, and entrepreneur.

What is Base Camp?

  • Basecamp is a co-living, co-working space for artists from across the world. From October 1st-7th & October 8th-14th, we will host two separate groups of 35 artists, filmmakers, musicians, artists, and entrepreneurs in the beautiful forests of Western Oregon.

    We believe strongly that community is not a want, but a necessity for all creatives in today’s world. Base Camp is our first step into the dream of one day building out permanent physical spaces.

  • Applications are submitted through this form.

    (Applications will close on the 31st of August at midnight Eastern Standard Time (EST)).

  • Base Camp starts at $850 for the week. This amount covers lodging + food for the week.

    (travel/airfare is not included).

    We are committed to hosting a diverse group of people at our event and want to provide opportunities for everyone to join us. For grant information, please contact Chris@creatorcamp.co

  • Creator Camp is an invitation-based, weekend-long event with a hand-crafted itinerary comprised of world-renowned speakers, outdoor excursions, activities, and more.

    Base Camp extends the community by allowing anyone to apply and attend. For 1 week at a time, we host a community of people to co-live and co-work together. Think of it as more of a retreat, rather than an event — but with the same magic and community as Creator Camp.

    Our vision in the next few years is to have Basecamp locations world-wide! We hope that one-day Basecamp can serve as a location for creatives to find community and collaborate across mediums. While Creator Camp will remain smaller and invite-only, we hope to expand the larger community through Base Camps in the future.

Why I Create |
A film by Sky Cowans.

“I had the time of my life at Base Camp. I built such special lifelong friendships and connections and finally found my tribe of creators where I can be 100% myself. I had the time of my life at Base Camp.”

- Sky Cowans

A collection of conversations at Base Camp Week 2.

“I met a group of dreamers recently. Sure we all might be young, optimistic, and maybe a little bit delusional. But this is what we all said on a special week in Bend, Oregon”

- Jack Sheridan


October, 2023.



(We didn’t pay them to say this)

We’re Returning Back to our Roots.

In October of 2021, four strangers lived together in the backwoods of Montana for a month.

Back then, we called it “The Wholesome House.” We were a group of online friends looking for a space to be around other people on a similar journey.

Living together opened our worlds to the importance of being around other artists and entrepreneurs. We no longer felt alone in our creative journey and for the first time, felt like we had found “our people.” For many, we spend our whole lives looking for that.

Ever since that month in October, we’ve been on a mission to share that same sense of community with others. It started with Creator Camp, a weekend experience, and now we’re expanding to offer the Base Camp, a longer and more intimate co-living space.

The Archives. 📜 Wholesome House, 2021.

An intimate peek into where the journey all began, before we even knew it ourselves.

“The quick shift in my mood was a real shock to me. It felt like my overall mental health improved 10-fold when I arrived. I felt healthier, like I was no longer suffocating with trying to keep up with the world. Was it the stunning view of our front yard? The fresh air? Sure. But more than everything it was the conversations, the people.

Here, I didn’t have to act like anyone else to be accepted. I didn’t have to hide my passion because I didn’t feel like I was being annoying. It’s strange, that in the middle of the most unfamiliar place I’ve been, with people that I’ve only met through the internet, the experience, felt oddly like Home.”